McCutchen Books by
Helen (McCutchen) Whitworth



A romantic historical novel based on JM McCutchen's family. First edition: 2006. Second edition: 2015. The heroine of the story is Betsy Sloan, who became JM's stepmother. Availabe on Amazon (#ad)

Gen 1 Cover1834-1882

New: The Northwest McCutchens: Generation One

A novel about JM and Mary McCutchen based on stories told to the author and others by the JM McCutchen's children, and supported by actual facts. 288 pages, supported with geneologies for McCutchen and Landon, a short history of the Civil War in Missouri and a short history of the Civil War in Montana. A must have for anyone interested in McCutchen history!
Available on Amazon.(#ad)

Exodus Cover1884-1895

New: The Northwest McCutchens: The Exodus

Continues JM and Mary's story, with the addition of her brother, Will, and of course their eight children. Includes the story of the family's three year trip via wagon train from Nevada to Washington. Published in 2018. Available on Amazon.


The Northwest McCutchens: Generation Two

Tells the story of JM's children and their families, up to not long before Mary's death. Anyone who wants to provide information for these years is invited to contact Helen at mcfamily(at) (2019 publish date planed)

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